Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The Star Wars Sellout Debacle

Current Event: The Star Wars Sellout Debacle

by Alissa Abner

Recent news reports have revealed that Star Wars, the legendary stories that have been subject to our fanatic adoration since 1977, has been handed over to Disney in exchange for no less than 4 billion $. Dorks everywhere have been buzzing ceaselessly since the announcement, and I don't think I've heard a positive comment yet. I can't say I've been looking optimistic about prospects myself.

“I'm doing this so that the films will have longer life,” states George Lucas, creator of Star Wars. Really now, George? I think we all know you've been beating a dead horse since the infamous Jar Jar Binks was introduced back in Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Me-sa thinks you-sa has milked this for all it's worth (which comes out to about 4 billion, apparently).

This buy out also means the rights to the Indiana Jones now belong to Disney. Didn't anyone learn their lesson from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? Not even the lovely Shia Labeouf could save that mess. Let's face facts, Harrison Ford is too old for action and the alien plot needed to stay in a galaxy far far away where it belonged. Here's to hoping no more of these movies are ever made, or heaven forbid it gets turned into a cartoon, and old Indy can escape with at least a sliver of dignity.

We now have to sit through three more movies following the adventures of Luke, Leia, Hans Solo, and all the classic characters that captured our nerdy hearts from movie one. It hasn't been said whether it'll be a cartoon, or if they'll cast our favorite characters with new actors. I don't know which would be worse, watching people attempt to fill the shoes of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford, or actually watching the three of them attempt to play the characters in their old age. I shudder at the mere idea of either. The first of this trilogy is scheduled to arrive in 2015, and that's only the start. New movies are scheduled to be cranked out every two years following, none of which are written by George Lucas—he is merely “overseeing” all scripts.

I am of the opinion that George Lucas and the idiots at Disney need to take a step back, recognize the error of their way, and personally apologize to every fan whose childhood and/or favorite saga they are about to ruin. George—we forgave you for Jar Jar Binks. We stood loyally by when Episode II: Attack of the Clones was entirely a love story with little-to-no fighting action. We even pretended it was okay that Leia and Luke were revealed to be siblings after they had sucked face that one time. So, speaking for fans everywhere, do us a solid and take back this nonsense—you totally owe us.

According to an article from Discovery News, Lucas is pledging every cent of his newly accustomed fortune to his foundation for furthering education. Which is really cool, and I appreciate it and all, as well as fully recognizing that it will go toward helping people become smart so they can write us more awesome things like Star Wars; but I'm also pretty sure Lucas is wealthy enough to do this kind of thing anyway without selling out to Disney. I know I have bought enough light sabers, action figures and movies to pitch in for the cause. The sellout to Disney is simply an embarrassment, and will only lead to more ridicule than Anakin's pod racer in Phantom Menace, when the mean kids made fun of it.

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